Pokémon Fire Red Nuzlocke Episode 4 | So Many Problems!

2016-08-24 2

In a world full of recording problems, one man tries to bring his viewers an entertaining episode of Pokémon Fire Red Nuzlocke! Be sure to leave a like for my struggles!

Nuzlocke Rules:
1. I can only catch the first Pokemon that I encounter in a route, cave, building, etc.
2. If a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and cannot be used in battle.

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Pokemon Ash Gray: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8f6x8Bs07wSt75h-qMaTqld02CRbQ9Hz
Pokemon Flora Sky: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8f6x8Bs07wS_1W1zVenpY2E9Lvq8tIuu

Music Credit: GlitchxCity "Zinnia Battle Remix," "Indigo Plateau Remix Ft. Matt Wilson," "Hoenn Elite 4 Remix," and "Hoenn Gym Leader Remix."